The Big "R" Word

What do you think about when people throw around the big "R" word?

If you're like, "Lauren, what in the world are you talking about"...

Then hang with me for just a sec.

--> Truth is, you may already know what I'm talking about.

It's the word that's thrown around everywhere.

The news.

Social media.



And you know what?

I think they're absolutely right.

Markets change.

Things don't move in a beautiful straight line for hundreds of years.

Things can get a little bit "messy" every once in a while.

And even more seldom, things can get REALLY messy.

But you know what?

Mess also brings a ton of opportunity.


Where there's chaos, there is also an opportunity to help bring about "order".

Mess brings about opportunities for cleaning up.

Think about it...

There are businesses built to literally solve messy situations.

Disaster restoration companies.

Junk hauling companies.

Mold abatement companies.

You name it.


While you're probably not operating a company like those I named above, you're still solving issues for your clients, right?

Realtor = solving the "we are moving and we need someone to buy our house" problem

Health Coach = solving the "no matter what I do, I can't seem to hit my health goals" problem

Chiropractor = solving the "my low back creates constant pain no matter what I do" problem

And on and on we go.

Matter of fact...

As a business owner, we are paid to solve problems.


Without problems to solve, there are no clients.

Restaurants solve the "we're all hungry and no one wants to cook" problem

Some problems seem "huge" and others not so huge. But it's all relative, right?

So when we talk about the dreaded "R" word...

--> If you haven't caught on, I'm talking about "Recession"...

You actually have MORE problems that you are able to solve.

Sometimes those problems change a bit.

In the case of real estate agents...

The problem that was originally, "We have 40 offers on the table, 10 above asking price, how do we choose the right one?"...

May turn into...

"We are needing to sell this house in the next 45 days, MAX. What do we need to do to make sure we find a buyer?".

And you know what?

With a little bit of thinking, you CAN solve that problem.

It may take a different strategy...

But you ABSOLUTELY can still solve issues for your clients.

You then become the agent that can get buyers in under 45 days or less.

You become the go-to.

Apply that to any other industry you can think of.

New "problem" arises.

New solution is provided.

Whether in a "great" market, or a "not so great" market...

Problems still need to be solved.

And you can still solve them.

Matter of fact, when things get a little "wonky", most people (that offer what you offer) choose to "tap out" until "things get better".

And I get it.

No shame there.

But what if you doubled down on solving issues.

What if you spent those months (and maybe years) when things got "wonky" to help as many people as possible and solve as many problems as possible.

What would happen when the market got "back on track" again?

Would you have more or less clients?

Here's my encouragement to you:

When the markets get "weird" (or "weirder")...

Get focused.

Know that you have a new opportunity on your hands.

New problems to solve.

New solutions to bring to your market.

Triple down on serving your market and building your brand.

Continue to show up.

Continue to advertise.

Continue to think about how you can serve at a deeper level.

Continue to invest.

You'll be happy you did.

Looking forward to seeing you SHINING bright in the market, friend.

Talk soon,


P.S, if you're interested in learning more about our branding packages (that can help you build your personal brand - so you can stand out in your market) - simply click the button below:

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