Thousands of entrepreneurs in DFW

How Lauren Bethany Photography is helping thousands of entrepreneurs in DFW take their personal brands and social media presence to the next level - even when they feel uncomfortable in front of a camera

Thousands have done the same…and you can too

The truth is, as entrepreneurs - we generally love what we do.

The services we offer.

Staying on the “frontline” of our industries.

Learning everything we possibly can to work to become the best in our market.

We love it.

But a lot of the time, we can neglect putting that focus toward building up our personal brand.

Tell us that you need to stand in front of a camera for an hour…

And we panic.

First thought is…

“I have so much going on right now. Where am I going to find an hour?”

But the real thought (generally) is…

“I would love to build my personal brand and really put a lot of focus there. I just don’t feel super confident to get in front of a camera and make it happen. Maybe I’ll get to it later when I…..”

That “when I” can generally be a lot of things, right?

“When I lose some weight”

“When I find some time”

“When I can find the right outfit”

“When I get paid from client xzy”

You name it, we’ve all thought about it.

We can picture what it would be like to have a social media presence that is totally full of amazing, professional photos of ourselves - combined with some really amazing content.

We can picture our “Ideal client” scrolling through social media and coming across our profile.

Stopping their scroll.

Checking out our recent posts.

Liking our content.

Following us.

Engaging with us.

Messaging us.

Starting the business relationship.

We can picture it, because we’ve seen others do it.

We see competitors really doing an amazing job with their social presence.

Not that we are really thinking about competition too much, but we notice.

We want to step it up to the next level.

We’ve created content here and there.

We have some photos of ourselves.

But we wouldn’t be able to confidently say that we are doing an excellent job.

We’ve always heard about the power of social media for building a really profitable personal brand.

We know it.

It’s just the whole “getting around to doing it” thing sort of gets in the way.

We may even think…

“If my ideal client is looking for someone like me, and I’m not able to position myself well, who else are they going to go to for business?”

The truth is, you know you can serve your market better than almost anyone else can.

Okay, maybe even the best.

But it sort of gives you a knot in your stomach when you think about all of the potential business you may have lost over the years from simply not having a really great social presence, right?

None of us are perfect when it comes to this, but we definitely can take our personal branding to the next level.

Here’s where we can help.

We know you're a busy entrepreneur.

We know that you care about building a really amazing personal brand that allows you to attract and connect with your ideal client - at a whole new level.

We know that getting photos taken of you doesn’t necessarily make you jump for joy.

We know that time is important for you and spending hours and hours in a studio is not something you're looking to do.

You would love to be able to show up, get your photos done in a way that makes you feel totally comfortable, totally natural, totally beautiful - and do it all in an extremely efficient manner.

No wasted time.

No “figuring out what to do when you get there”.

No worrying about how to pose yourself and how to look your best.

Simply showing up wearing the outfit that you got specifically just for the session.

You know..

That outfit that makes you go, “Wow. I look good”.

Knocking out all the different “looks” that you were wanting to nail.

And having your photos sent to you less than a week later.

That’s what we do for our entrepreneurial clients here in DFW.

We understand the entrepreneurial mindset.

We know you're busy.

We know you want to build an amazing personal brand.

That’s what we provide for you.

And we provide you a “white glove” service the whole way through.

We plan your session.

We execute the plan.

We deliver your photos to you ASAP so you can get to posting and building the personal brand you’ve always wanted.
Matter of fact…

Here is a recent client testimonial explaining just that:

"What a fantastic experience. The pre-photo shoot call was invaluable. Lauren listened to my requests and we talked about what I wanted to get out of the shoot. On the day of the shoot Bethany was so welcoming and easy to work with. She directed my poses and had great ideas. One of the best photo sessions I’ve ever had and exactly what I was looking for. I’ll be back the next time I need new photos"
-Andi W. from DFW

We have some packages that will provide you with enough photos for 6 months of social content.

We have some packages that will provide you with a year full of photos to create social content with.

Totally your choice.

Not only that, but we have a hassle free money back guarantee with our sessions.

You are COMPLETELY satisfied (and blown away) with the final outcome of our session, or you get all of your money back.

No “if, and’s or but’s” about it.

We mean it.

Interested in seeing if we can help you with this?

Then simply scroll below to schedule a quick call with our team.

On that call, we will:

1.) Get to know you and your brand

2.) Learn about your interest in getting a session done

3.) Provide you the information about our packages, locations, pricing, etc

4.) Answer any questions you may have

By the way…

We are not “sales people” at all.

There will be zero pressure on our calls.

And I’m not just saying that.

That’s just how we like to operate our business.

Laid back and pressure free.

So you can keep your credit card where it is.

We’ll simply share the details with you, and you can take your time to “think about it”.

Not a problem at all.

You can schedule that call here

P.S, when you book your call today - we are going to throw in a totally free “retouched” photo with your session. (If you decide to book with us).

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